Formerly known as Roscher Dental Group


Patient Forms

To begin your journey to a healthier smile, we ask you to complete a registration form as well as records release so we can better understand you and your dental history.

Patient Registration

Register with our office by filling out our secure online Patient Registration Form. After you have completed the form, please make sure to press the Submit button at the bottom to automatically send us your information. On your first visit to our office, we will have your completed form available for your signature. The security and privacy of your personal data is one of our primary concerns and we have taken every precaution to protect it.

Records Release

Due to the sensitive nature of record releases, please contact our office to have a release of records emailed via our electronic system.

Get in Touch

We’d love to join you on your dental journey.

We’re here to help: 651-459-2387

The Smile Architects Logo

The Smile Architects experience takes you on a personal journey. Whether it’s routine, cosmetic, or complex dentistry, we tailor dental care every step of the way, bringing you along so you feel well-informed, well-taken care of.

Find us

1590 Hastings Ave.
Newport, MN 55055
